Marich Music Reading Software

I got frustrated while learning to play the bass when I found that all the software was so slanted towards the guitar.

This little program will help you learn note reading for any instrument and has a BASS fret board to help you quickly learn the notes on the bass guitar. It also has a piano keyboard, note order practice and a little routine for learning the Circle of Fifths and reading key signatures.

Screen shots - click to enlarge

Marich Music Reading Bass Guitar

Marich Music Reading Note Order

for Windows operating systems only

Click here to download:

Version 2.0.0 
File size: 2,796 kb
Release date: 13 Jan 12
Price: free

After downloading, unzip and run Marich Music.msi to install. Free to use.

Please read the User's Manual (Help file) included with the software.

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Email:
Please include a subject in your email as I am quick to delete anything that looks like spam.

Marich Music Reading

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